The ThreatModeler solution empowers DevOps to protect their IT environment and applications through automated threat modeling in mobile and IoT application design.
The process of designing new or changing existing applications is a complex interaction between Enterprise and other Architects. We believe that Enterprise Architects want to establish and re-use patterns, Solution Architects want to deliver required features, Security Architects want to identify threats and implement controls.
If you’re on a DevSecOps journey and are familiar with OWASP’s DevSecOps Maturity Model (DSOMM), you’ll know that threat modelling is seen as an integral part of DevSecOps.
We would like to show you how to get the best from your threat modelling program, what the scope could be, what tools are available to help and how best practice can be applied to your firm.
You'll receive current and relevant insight to Threat modeling best practices and will leave you the actionable takeaways that can be introduced into your organisation. A must attend event for anyone working in the Architecture, Enterprise Solution Design or the CISO's office.